Monday, February 27, 2023

Retinopathy Can Start in Prediabetes

Retinopathy is a retinal illness, and there are several types of the disease. There is hypertensive retinopathy and diabetic retinopathy, for example. Controlling high blood pressure and blood glucose levels is essential in the treatment and prevention of these disorders. A yearly eye checkup is also vital for people who have retinopathy. The most frequent form of the disease is diabetic retinopathy. And this type of retinopathy is one of the leading causes of visual loss around the world. At least three studies have found a relationship between retinopathy and prediabetes.

Prediabetes occurs when the blood glucose level is greater than usual but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. For a long time, it was assumed that prediabetes was frequently followed by diabetes. As a result, a study was done to investigate the path from prediabetes to diabetes.

Between 1996 and 2001, the Diabetes Prevention Program study was conducted. The researchers investigated how prediabetes could progress to diabetes. Prediabetes was discovered to increase the incidence of type 2 diabetes, and treating prediabetes could postpone or prevent type 2 diabetes in many cases.

Following the original Diabetes Prevention Program study, more research investigating the incidence of retinopathy among people with prediabetes was conducted. The researchers examined a subgroup of the original study's participants. The initial Diabetes Prevention Program trial had 3224 participants.
There were 302 people in the subset. The researchers identified retinopathy in 7.6% of the study's prediabetic patients.

In another study, researchers looked at publications in the MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, Google Scholar, and Cochrane databases to see if there was a link between retinopathy and prediabetes. The researchers chose twenty-four studies for their study after reviewing 5994 abstracts and 98 full-text articles. There were 8759 prediabetic patients in the twenty-four studies. The researchers observed that prediabetes had a 6.6% rate of retinopathy compared to 3.2% in those with normal blood glucose levels.

Finally, in a more recent meta-analysis of 18 articles, researchers discovered a strong link between prediabetes and macular diseases. The researchers suggested that persons with prediabetes should be evaluated for retinal disorders.

According to the findings of the preceding investigations, healthcare providers may want to examine the eyes of patients with prediabetes. Early indications of retinopathy may be detected by the providers. This would benefit both the patient and the provider.


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Friday, February 24, 2023

Following a Mediterranean Lifestyle Can Lower the Risk of Developing Metabolic Syndrome in CHD Patients

The Mediterranean diet is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean region, which some refer to as the cradle of civilization. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes, olive oil instead of butter, herbs and spices instead of salt, red meat just a few times a month, fish and poultry are the cornerstone of the diet. The diet places a premium on live oil. It has been demonstrated that the diet is a healthy eating pattern. And, according to a recent study, a Mediterranean Lifestyle, which includes the Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).
The Mediterranean Lifestyle is based on the Mediterranean diet as well as other good-health-related elements that include physical activity, appropriate sleep, social interaction, and stress management.

MetS is a group of disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Hypertension, hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity, and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels are among these conditions.

The Mediterranean Lifestyle (MEDLIFE) index was developed to analyze the Mediterranean Lifestyle. The MEDLIFE index is a 28-item measure that includes questions about food intake (15 items), typical Mediterranean dietary habits (seven items), and physical activity, rest, and social interaction habits (six items).

The MEDLIFE score was created from a study that compared a Mediterranean diet with a low-fat diet in 1002 CHD patients. The MEDLIFE score was used to assess adherence to a Mediterranean lifestyle in 851 research participants at baseline and after five years.

The subjects' commitment to the Mediterranean lifestyle was graded as high (>13 points), moderate (12-13 points), or low (12 points). Compared to the low MEDLIFE adherence group, study participants with high adherence had a decreased risk of MetS development and a higher possibility of reversing pre-existing MetS over the five-year follow-up. Each one-point increase in the MEDLIFE index was associated with a 24% lower risk of developing MetS and a 21% higher chance of reversing pre-existing MetS.

According to the researchers, greater adherence to a Mediterranean lifestyle lowered the risk of later MetS development and increased the possibility of reversing pre-existing MetS in patients with CHD at baseline.
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