Friday, October 30, 2020

Intensive Lifestyle Intervention May Lower Cancer Risk

Overweight and obesity have been shown to be associated with certain types of cancers. These cancers include breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers. One may wonder if living a healthier lifestyle can lower the risk of obesity related or overweight related cancers. So some investigators, using results from the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) study, attempted to determine if intentional weight loss could reduce the risk of cancer.  And the researchers concluded that it could.

The Look AHEAD study consisted of 16 U.S. study centers. The study was a randomized controlled trial that used an intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) method similar to that used in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study. The Look AHEAD study was done to determine if intentional weight loss could reduce “cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes.” The study consisted of 5,145 participants and it was scheduled to conclude in 2012.

While the prevention of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes was the primary focus of the study, cancer was one of the outcomes that the investigators wanted to look at. Therefore, cancer incidence was given attention. “Cancer incidence was defined as the first reported occurrence of a malignant tumor other than nonmelanoma skin cancer.” The investigators looked at medical records, death certificates, hospital records and emergency department records to determine cancer incidence in Look AHEAD participants.

The investigators concluded the following: “An ILI aimed at weight loss lowered incidence of obesity‐related cancers by 16% in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes. Although the result was not statistically significant, this finding provided evidence that patients with obesity can reduce their cancer risk through weight loss.”

Stressing the importance of weight loss for people with obesity can lower the risk for cancer. And making weight loss recommendation to obese patients is something that healthcare providers should do.


Tags: , , , , bariatric medicine, obesity medicine, medical practice start up, bariatric industry analysis, weight loss industry analysis, weight management industry analysis

Thursday, October 15, 2020

White Coat Adherence and Glucose Control

 Upcoming visits to a healthcare provider can cause a person to respond in different ways. The response can be involuntary or on purpose. Many patients’ blood pressure will rise or decline as a result of contact with a healthcare provider. This rise or fall in blood pressure is called the white coat syndrome. The change in blood pressure is involuntary. On the other hand, patients may purposely increase their adherence to their healthcare providers’ instructions just before the healthcare visit. This adherence is called white coat adherence (WCA). And WCA can lead to errors in treatment, including diabetes treatment.

WCA may be defined as “an increased adherence to treatment regimens directly before a visit with a healthcare provider.” And when WCA is present while treating diabetes, the situation can negatively affect the diabetes treatment. So, a study was done to determine how to lessen the possibility of a misinterpretation of Glucose Control  Monitoring data that might be caused by WCA.

It is known that up to 50% of patients who have chronic conditions will increase the adherence to medical guidelines just before and just after a healthcare provider visit. Patients will be more likely to take prescribed medications as directed and to follow treatment guidelines as directed two to three days before the visit and two to three days after the visit.

The above-mentioned study was an observational study, consisting of 276 patients. The investigators looked at patients between January 2013 and July 2018 who were using continuous or intermittent scanning glucose monitoring (rtCGM or iscCGM). And the investigators looked at CGM-data over various periods of time before and after a healthcare visit.

The investigators concluded that the WCA effect was especially present during the three days before a healthcare visit. And that a more accurate assessment of the patient’s diabetic condition can be made by looking at GCM-data two weeks before the scheduled healthcare meeting. Specifically, the investigators indicated that “based on [their] findings, analysis of CGM data, particularly in adult patients non-optimal diabetes control, should encompass a period of adequate length (i.e. a minimum of one-two weeks) before consultation to avoid misinterpretation due to WCA.”

The study just confirms the existence of WCA in diabetes treatment. But more than that, it offers guidance that can be put in place to minimize the associated misinterpretations of the CGM results.


Tags: , , , , bariatric medicine, obesity medicine, medical practice start up, bariatric industry analysis, weight loss industry analysis, weight management industry analysis

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