Monday, May 25, 2020

Weight Loss Through Diet and Exercise for Osteoarthritis

Weight loss through diet and exercise may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can result from wear and tear on your joints. The wear and tear can be a consequence of a number of  conditions, including injuries, age or obesity. And weight loss, resulting from diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, may improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

A past study concluded that "obese individuals have significantly more severe joint degeneration in the knees compared with normal weight or underweight individuals." Furthermore, the investigators indicated that "Weight loss can prevent onset of osteoarthritis, relieve symptoms, improve function and increase quality of life."

In another study, the importance of weight loss was further confirmed. In the study, where 380 overweight men and women were investigated in the ninety-six month analysis, the researchers determined that "cartilage degeneration was significantly lower among people who lost weight through diet and exercise or diet alone." It should be noted, however, that "weight loss through exercise alone showed no significant difference in cartilage degeneration..."

There is evidence that  obesity is a risk factor for  total knee replacement (TKR) caused by osteoarthritis. And in one study, investigators looked at the effects of intentional weight loss on total knee replacement caused by osteoarthritis. Using intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) methods, the investigators concluded that engaging in "physical activity, dietary restrictions and behavior to lose weight may be "effective in preventing TKR prior to the development of knee pain."

So, weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight can be beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Healthcare providers should use this evidence based information in counseling sessions. The providers can advise patients that weight loss through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes can improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Knowing that there is action that patients, suffering from osteoarthritis, can take to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis can be very helpful to the patients. 


Friday, May 15, 2020

Under Some Conditions, Prediabetes Can Predict Cognitive Decline

Prediabetes is a serious condition, affecting more than 84 million Americans. And many Americans are not even aware that they have the condition. Prediabetes puts one at high risk for type 2 diabetes, and the condition raises the risk for heart and kidney problems. And one study shows that prediabetes combined with other disorders, such as obesity, may predict cognitive decline.

Prediabetes or hyperglycemia may generally be defined as abnormally high blood glucose, but blood glucose not high enough to be called type 2 diabetes. The clinical tests for prediabetes are typically an A1c test, a fasting glucose test or an impaired glucose test. The investigators in the study mentioned above showed that prediabetes combined with central obesity may predict cognitive decline in those who are less than 87 years of age.

In the study, the investigators looked at 478 individuals who were 65 years of age and older. The investigators looked at markers for glycemia, such as glucose, A1c and insulin resistance. And the investigators looked at markers for obesity such as resistin , adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1, and inflammation. They then modeled the markers, while adjusting for age education, sex waist-hip ratio and other parameters. The investigators then used machine learning techniques to perform the analysis.

The investigators concluded that “in individuals younger than 88 years with central obesity, even modest degrees of hyperglycemia might independently predispose faster cognitive decline.”

So, while prediabetes puts one at high risk for type 2 diabetes, and can raise the risk for heart and kidney problems, the abnormally high glucose may also be a risk factor for increased cognitive decline in individuals who are younger than 88 years of age.

This is useful information. Providers, counseling patients between the ages of 65 and 88 years old, should work with patients who have prediabetes and central obesity to help the patients lower their glycemic numbers. The action may impede cognitive decline.


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